
Giggles from that backseat...

The first time your child smiles is a monumental moment.  You've held this precious baby so close and cared for it with every ounce of your being for every second of the day since they entered this world.  And each and every time you smile at the little darling, she looks back at you with a straight face.  You never even noticed that she isn't smiling back, because you are just so obsessed with how cute her little mouth is, or how those big blue eyes are sparkling under the light of the living room lamp.  Then, it happens.  She cracks that first smile, and you respond with what has to be the most shocked and unexpected look that baby has ever been exposed to.  It's a wonder she ever smiled again with the kind of response that came from that first grin.  You lose yourself and go completely nuts shouting for joy at the new occurrence that just took place.   Next, you try everything you can think of to make her smile again.  Then you realize you don't remember what you we
I really enjoy writing.  I used to blog quite often, and found it to be relaxing.  It was a bit of a shock to me when I logged in to my blog and saw that the last time I posted was in 2013!  Seriously?!  We are just finishing up the first month of 2019!  Where did the time go?  My last blog told the story of my wedding day.  And now I am about to inform you that we just celebrated our daughter's first birthday!  So much has happened to me since the day I said 'I do!' and I can't believe I haven't documented it here.  Here are the highlights -  I left off after I got married.  We went on a honeymoon to Branson and had the best time together! Dexter and I continued on with life as a newlywed couple and enjoyed our freedom by going out to late dinners, seeing movies in the theater suite on week nights, and sleeping in on the weekends just so we could cuddle together.  Dexter worked at the school, farmed, had a yard care business, and booked DJ gigs on the

no longer a bride, but now a wife!

After much anticipation and planning my wedding day came and was one of the absolute best days of my life.  Now that the dust has settled after the wedding, honeymoon, and getting back to normal- I am able to properly blog my experience.  I can not let this day go by in my history without writing what I experienced. :) First of all, it really does go by fast!  It could be accurately described as a blur, because that is how fast everything went.   It started out early with my hair appointment.  Whitney, Randi, and I went to Harrisburg to get our hair fixed.  As soon as we pulled in the parking lot, I realized I forgot my veil and hair piece!  Of course I would do that, since I forget everything that isn't written on a post-it and stuck on my forehead.  Thank goodness I had a great maid of honor.  Whitney took off back to the house to retrieve my items.  I loved how everything came together with my hair.  My veil was my favorite part.  It was a birdcage veil that just covered

adventures of the bride to's the little details...

Well we are getting close to hitting the  mark for our one week count down!!! :)  I am so excited about not only the wedding, and honeymoon, but being married to my very best friend!  This week has been a challenging one.  Little stressors have popped up here and there.  I have a few more details to complete before I will be ready for the day before and the day of. I must say that I have a new found respect for any one who has planned their own wedding.  It is a task like none other.  Like most important things, it will cause stress.  The difference in planning a wedding and anything else is, it can bring out a monster in you.  The term bridezilla was coined for a reason.  If you don't find healthy outlets for your stress during the planning of your wedding, you could turn very quickly into something seen on a past episode of True Blood.  I feel as though I have not turned into a full bridezilla during this task, but I have had fits of anger caused by stress.   One of the thing

tribute to my girls - adventures of the bride to be: bridal shower

This past Saturday was my bridal shower.  I am a very blessed girl to have four friends that wanted to make a special afternoon for me.  They took such time and thought into every detail and made an event that was so "me". :)   The tables were covered with purple hydrangeas as the centerpieces, purple nail polish for everyone to take home with them, and even the punch was purple(and delicious).  For anyone who knows me, they know that purple is very Erin.  As Miranda said, purple is not just a color- it's a way of life.  True story!  The room looked beautiful! There was good food to eat!  We had yummy chicken salad sandwiches on croissants, bacon wrapped little wienies, veggies, fruit salad in cute little mason jars(went with the theme), and chocolate cupcakes that looked like hydrangeas in the icing. All I can say is YUM-O! They picked out a few games with me in mind.  I had such a good time playing Miranda's version of famous couples.  I especially liked the &

Adventure of the bride to be: dress alterations

Tuesday my mother and I took off bright and early to Paducah to run some errands before my late morning appointment at David's Bridal to get my wedding dress alterations.  Little did we know that we would be spending the entire day at Paducah! When we got into the dressing room is when the trouble started.  When I last was at David's I tried on lots of dresses, found the one that was exactly what I wanted, rang the bell, and left a happy camper.  In that big dress bag, it contained all the undergarments I would need to wear this dress on the day.  Well, when I put the dress back on Tuesday, you could see my bra in the back. WHAT?!  I tried this on.  I know I did.  It fit ok.  What is different???..........Oh that's right, they don't have clips holding this dress in  the best way this dress could ever look on your body.  While I tried dresses on, the wonderful lady at David's would clip the straps where they should be (straps are always way long on me), bring the d

adventures of the bride to be: planning mode

The clock is ticking, and it is a mere 57 days to go.  That is what my profile on The Knot tells me.  They have this wonderful check off list on the website to help keep you on track while planning your wedding.  The to-do items start a year from your wedding date.  Now as the time starts getting closer, like now, there are many more items to be aware of that need to be done and checked off.  As I checked my list yesterday I was pleased with the fact that I don't think the list is out of control.  The major items are under control, and the little things are starting to pop up and need my attention.  Since I am on vacation, I feel like I will be able to handle it.  Now, while I was still working and looking at the check list, I would get very stressed and feel a sense of accomplishment when I clicked the window closed and the list that was once haunting me had vanished.  The items didn't get finished, but I felt like they weren't staring at me and tapping their foot in that